

Internships are temporary positions with an organization or business that are designed to provide on-the-job training in the music and arts industries. The student can earn academic credit by completing an internship and in many cases, they are paid for the work they do. Experience has shown that such internships are not only valuable educational experiences; they also provide a solid base for future employment in the creative economy. Participating in an internship is an opportunity to apply classroom learning to real-world situations.

Finding 实习机会

Students can learn about internship opportunities by: 

  • Contacting the Music Department Internship Coordinator: Dr. 肖恩Flanigan 或打电话970.248.1178. Dr. Flanigan will help the student acquire an internship opportunity in a chosen area of interest.
  • 利用CMU 就业服务中心
  • 注册和使用 握手, an online resource that helps connect CMU students with organization or business for internships
  • Approaching the organization or business with whom they want to intern directly

Earning College Credit for Internships

Registering for an Internship Course (MUSA 499, 1-4 Credit Hours): Whether an internship is paid or unpaid, students may earn academic credit by completing an internship. In order to earn the academic credit, students need to contact and work with Dr. 肖恩Flanigan to initiate the process necessary to earn college credit for the internship. Students earn college credit for the internship by registering for MUSA 499; this is a variable-credit, upper-division course that can be taken for anywhere between one and four credits. Each credit is equivalent to 45 hours of work as an intern. Four (4) academic internship credits are required for graduation in the BM with Elective Studies in Business degree. Some students earn all four credits in one area of the industry or with one business entity. Others split the credits and the experience between more than one area of interest.


Internship opportunities in the music industry may include working with businesses specializing in areas such as recording, 出版, 音乐会生产, 仪器设计 & 生产、管理 & 艺术行政或零售. Internships are not limited to our local area but may be out of town or out of state. It will depend upon the appropriate fit for the student and student resources. Students will receive direct assistance and guidance from Dr. Flanigan in seeking and acquiring an internship opportunity.

Some examples of internships recently completed by our students are listed below:

Information for Organizations and Businesses Seeking Interns

If you are an organization or business looking for the opportunity to shape the next generation of music professionals, 请与 Dr. 肖恩Flanigan 和/或 CMU就业服务. 职业服务 can work to connect you with students through e-mails and through notifications on 握手, our online platform that connects businesses with students. Once you have registered on 握手, you can post internships and jobs on the platform to recruit CMU students.